Welcome to Minnesota Valley Grain and Thank you for visiting our site.
Minnesota Valley Grain was established in August 2009. We operate at 3 locations in Southern Minnesota; which include Le Center, Montgomery and Webster. We buy, sell and offer Delayed Pricing (DP Contracts) for Corn and Soybeans.
You can contract grain Monday through Friday from 8:30 AM to 1:00 PM. Hours are subject to change depending on the holiday schedule and weather. Please call our office in Le Center at 507-357-6841 to contract grain or to schedule a delivery appointment for one of our appointment only locations.
Hours subject to change depending on weather. Please call ahead to verify hours prior to delivery.
**Hours subject to change based on weather**
Monday, February 17th our office and markets are closed due to the Federal Holiday. The elevator will be open for grain dumping from 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM. We will resume normal market and office hours on Tuesday, February 18th.
Le Center Office Hours
Monday - Friday
8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Scale Dumping Hours
Le Center
Monday - Friday
8:00 AM - 4:30 PM By Appointment Only
Montgomery & Webster
**Hours subject to change based on weather**
Please note any grain brought into the elevators after 5:00 PM on Friday; will get Monday's closing price.
OFFICE: 507-357-6841
FAX: 507-357-4211
We appreciate your business and look forward to working with you!